S.B. Alger
Visual Arts ‡ Voice & Guitar ‡ Self Help ‡ Release Coaching
Welcome to my "Web Portal".In these boxes, (under the picture of my head), you'll find links to most of the places I post stuff online.Please click and add me on the apps you use the most.(NOTE: if you need something, or have any questions, please send me a DM or an email right away. I love hearing from people and I'll usually reply ASAP.)I've been creating and selling visual art--and I'm always singing and writing songs--and I've learned to use "Release Work" and other "Self-Help" techniques as a way to let go of things aren't serving me anymore. I've also been hired as a mold maker--but--working from my home studio.ANNOUNCEMENT:I'm currently employed as a mold maker in 'fine art bronze sculpture'.
This has changed and limited my time in many other areas of pursuit--and so--I've updated this page to reflect my reduced availability.I'd love it if you look at the 99 PIECES OF DIGITAL ART I published, over on FINE ARTS AMERICA.When you click the 'all caps' link above, and it will jump you straight to my gallery. (I've sold a few in the last year or so, and it's a great feeling, to supply people with a picture to hang on their wall at home, or in their office, or bathroom... or Wherever!)If you see one of my pictures, and that little voice says, "this would look great hanging on my wall", (or as a shower curtain), you can just click and place your order directly via FAA.If you're not seeing anything that's 'just right for you', please, just reach out--and we can go over details--or I can create a quote, or get started on an original piece of art that's just right and just for you...I'm posting my art, almost everyday, and you can find it here on: INSTAGRAM.I have some of my music (and other content), on YOUTUBE, and if you click the "all caps bold", you'll get a playlist of my one take wonders and a few of my original songs.ATTENTION TRACY TWYMAN AND RX ONLY PICTURESHOW FANS:[The very last "YouTube Button" above, will take you to the "Weaving Spiders Webs" YouTube channel.This is a our 'symposium style' show, hosted by Jim Maiden and attended regularly by a myriad of 'Spiders'. I've been making regular appearances here--and--it's an amazing show every week!We dive into esoteric & occult & conspiracy topics--and we have a synchronisticly good time--regardless of who might be our featured guest for the livestream. We always have a big panel of people--IT'S LIKE THE MAGICAL BRADY BUNCH!--So please come check us out--and subscribe--and jump in the Telegram channels for all the updates and exclusive content.]CONCERNING RELEASE HELP:
I am not currently available as a 'release coach' except in special circumstances. With 'full time mold making' it's best to keep my Release Help Coaching on the back burner for now.If you're really wanting to move forward with help--despite my tight schedule--please just send me a message on any of the platforms listed here on my homepage.More Details Here:
I'm trained in Emotional Release Technique aka The Sedona Method, and it's a great tool for facing big problems or challenges in your life. (clicking the link above will take you to an interview with my coach and mentor, Beth Martens.) She is the one who introduced me to the Release Technique and I took her training classes to become certified as a Release Coach.Release work has helped me to conquer past trauma--and move through those places where I was blocked or stuck--and it's also great for just getting over the little things that might be holding you back from day to day.If you want to know more, or you have an intuitive feeling, please reach out today. Message anytime if you are feeling stuck, or if you're feeling you need to 'level up' in certain areas of your life.------------------------
MORE LINKS BELOW:↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
If you like hanging out with BOOMERS,
You can add me here, on: FACEBOOK (I post lots of dad jokes and funny memes and videos, and moar.)You can follow me here, on: TWITTER (Send a message if I don't follow back, because sometimes the notifications don't work!)And click here if you are an Rx Only PICTURESHOW fan...The work we've done with Tracy Twyman [RIP] is the reason why myself and others have 'been attacked'. They've hit my YouTube [BUT IT'S BACK!], and the harassment has continued in a lot other ways as well.I do have an e-mail list specifically for Twyman and RXOP fans--and it's been a while since I've sent a message--but please sign up here:--->JOIN THE EMAIL LIST HERE<---↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓We hang out on TELEGRAM:WEAVING SPIDERS WELCOME TELEGRAMBETH MARTEN'S KING HERO TELEGRAMPlease join us on this well designed and UNCENSORED platform!
__If you're looking for Pricing or Consults for:__Art Prints,
Art Commissions,
Music Coaching
Emotional Release WorkPlease email me at:
DM on any Social Media Platform